We don't know much about Rocketman before his arrival to California. A member of Starman's Silver Syndicate, he was often known as the heart of the group. According to the Trumpeteer News Network, he was the only member of the Silver Syndicate with a full family before beginning his heorics. It's due to this fact that he was one of the few members of the team who, to this very day still holds a secret identity.

Andreas Narson was a High School student, and a devout member of Phoenix Cletanism. As of 1986, Cletanism as a whole was not what it once was, and it's due to this fact that he was shunned for his beliefs, and for his attempts at accessing the Mirrorplex. Andreas was also, among other things, rumored to have been a closeted transsexual. And it was his goal, perhaps in vein, to use the Mirrorplex as a pathway into an alternate dimension.

He spent days, even weeks, no... months, crafting a gun. The Plexray. Which would send him off to a new world.

However... the pimply little nerd didn't have it in him to test it out on himself. So he used it against the pinnacle of masculinity, the figure he was forced to look up to. Rocketman. Rocketman responded to the attack of "The Mirror Meister" on April 8th, 1986, where he would be transported to the Mirrorplex.

His disappearence went unnoticed as he was replaced by an evil mirror copy of himself, dubbed these days as "The Anti-Rocket." Though Rocketman would eventually return from the Mirrorplex, he would return a broken and scarred individual. After his retirement in 2003, a casette tape featuring what is believed to have been the only recording of The Rocketman's voice would resurface amongst Cletanist circles. This is, we believe, the clearest transcript of the heavily distorted audio.

Begin recording.

My name is the Rocketman, and this is my message. The Mirrorplex is very real. I was transported to it,
and for the first few moments I believed it was a dream. It had to have been. Before my eyes even readjusted to all the new… kinds of light,
I had been filled with an emotion I couldn’t quite place into words. Perhaps, nostalgia? You ever press your hand against a CRT TV? Yeah,
well that’s what it felt like. What the air felt like, I mean. If it weren’t for my mask, I might’ve been suffocated, you know.
The whole place felt off, some things were too block-y, all the water seemed to flow in the wrong direction.

There weren’t many beasts there. Most of the beasts, I believe, were humans who stayed there for a bit too long. It would make sense, you know.
I wandered for what could’ve been days, could’ve been years. Could’ve been seconds, or– Or an entire lifetime, I’m not sure.

But in my travels, I became aware of two things. King among the beasts of the Mirrorplex, was a strange creature that spoke with too many voices.
It tore open my throat. It still didn’t seem… in complete control. It seemed to worship the Mirrorplex,
the same way I’ve seen some cultures worship the Earth itself.

It worshiped it like it was alive.

Some nights, I could hear the whole place breathing like an animal. Some nights, I still do...

End recording.

As of 2005, the Plexray remains, deactivated, in the Rocketman Museum of Superhuman Wonders.

Rocketman - Before and After Mirrorplex