Project S. Octangula

The Unholy Trinity's efforts to reach divinity as well as invisibility from the forces of nature is heavily documented. I've chosen to document the operation, which has gone by names like "The Arachnid Lab," "Stella Octangula," and "The Black Rainbow."

Achieve Basic Invisibility

The essential part of reaching immortality is to become invisible to the creators. And to become invisbile to the creators, you must first become invisible to man. This process begins at USHSA labs, and uses samples of Mirrorplex infected mirrors with radiation as an infant to induce invisibility throughout the patient's life. Side effects seen in the children I was able to find and interview include schizophrenia, lesbianism, and cosmic reliance on trans-multiversal entities.

  • Achieve basic invisibility through disruption of optic waves. Everything you see is colors entering your mind. The Black Rainbow corrupts these colors, rendering the subject invisble to the naked eye, as well as through cameras, both digital and analogue.

  • After the departure of Mantiev, Vietnam has been ruled as safe for re-entry by RA and, thus, ample for The Pilgremage. It took them about three months. As was commonplace for the more... dangerous intiatives, the USHSA sent a teenager by the name of Jackson Kunzite to Stella Octangula site, where he was able to obtain knowledge that his mind did not.

  • As predicted, Kunzite would return from his pilgrimage with a newly opened eye. "I've witnessed things," he wrote in his journal, "I still witness things. I've seen what this hospital really is, and what it will do in the end. I can't leave. It wouldn't do much good, anyways, you know? I'm not going to write home to Claire or Ashley, either. I'm going to die here. I deserve to die here. In handing them that goddamn VHS tape, I have become the J. Robert Oppenheimer of my generation. Only no one will remember my name." I remember Kunzite. I will always remember Kunzite.

  • The hospital begins to work towards TRUE invisbility. To reach the level of the divine unobserved. "No one knew where he came from," Kunzite wrote. That wasn't true. None of that was true! The girl, they say she was a girl, had a name. No one knew it, though. She refused to speak to men. And the women she told it to, refused to repeat it. They respected her. Then again, she avoided the girls her age like the plague. She might've been a butch. Or a transvestite. THE HOSPITAL USES A MIX OF RADIATION, BACTERIA FROM THE STARMARROW, AND THE NEWLY OBTAINED STELLA OCTANGULA MENTAL ORGANISM. Due to their eight legs, it was the belief that arachnids of the world were more succeptible to the Stella Octangula due to their eight legs. The Stella Octangula was also first seen in relation to arachnoid entity/superhero Ignis. The arachnids experimented on were shown to experience a variety of symptoms, which include, but are not limited by, rapid cell reproduction, schizophrenia, and hunger. Hungry animals are angry animals.
  • The first human trial is conducted. ENRAGED by humanity's attempts to cheat death, VIVERE arrives.

  • She speaks because she has something to say.